1. Landscapes (ft. Simbad)
2. It’s Serious (ft. Karizma)
Cooly G re-enters our orbit on two stellar collaborations with House allies Simbad and Karizma. Looking every bit the futurist dancefloor queen on the sleeve, it's a stone-set reassurance - if needed - of her unique prowess when it comes to sumptuous yet rudely sensuous rhythm vybz. With Simbad on 'Landscapes' she scopes a stunning scene of tucked, Gurley-esque drum programming and astro-planing synth washes graced with her silk-cut vocals. It'd almost be a disrespect not to shut your eyes when dancing to this. Equally 'ardcore debted, and ruffer still 'It's Serious', produced with Karizma, locks off a more dextrous, ruthlessly cut-up tribal shake-down, pivoting off pointillist drums and steppin' on landmine bass plosions. In other words: f**kin' lethal. Highly recommended!...www.boomkat.com