CD 1:
1. Rock Yourself Out Chah Body
2. Verse Coarse
3. New Quote Lyar
4. Herb
5. Hickory
6. Gamork
7. Relax, Live
8. Voomers
9. Scared Of Hate
10. Web Circle Spiral Dust
11. The Lake Dies Twice
12. Your Ning And Pressing Play
13. Boss Quiet
CD 2:
1. She Heals Blister
2. I Have Flight
3. Tropical Boom 3
4. Mocking Bird Totem
5. Mahd
6. Tropical Boom 5
7. Grandpa Okonski’s Perpetual Motion Magnet Generator
Beefheart or Eno? Magnetic Fields or Tricky? - Zac Nelson (see his releases on Holy Mountain and Temporary Residence…) comes from Illinois and his way to create music is pretty unique. Divived between impressive instrumental sections, gorgeous almost-feminine vocal parts, explosive drum skills and beautiful melodic inventions, Nelson shows the widest musical range and the best inspiration we ever tasted recently in the underground/indie scene. This is the second CD release from him - a wonderful collection of songs, drum-obsessed jams and crazy pop sketches. Here is an absolutely brilliant manifesto of his art.
ReplyDeletethanks to -Toxinho-